Al - Hodeidah

Al - Hodeidah is the Cinderella of the Red Sea and its captivating bride. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Yemen. It is the most diverse and most beautiful one between them. Its nature exhibits a wonderful dress of greenness and beauty round the year.
Its exhibited dress is perfumed with the fragrance of Jasmine, the redolence of screw pine and the scent of musk. Its climate is affected by all conditions and takes different phenomena along its coastal, mountainous and desert area.
Al - Hodeidah is the Yemen's fourth city in population terms and it developed as the leading port of the Ottomans when the coffee trade at Mukha dwindled and still retains its old Turkish quarter.
At night the markets light up, with men selling fruit under hurricane lamps, and in the early morning the fish market is a hive of activity.
Wealthy merchant families have opulent houses constructed in the Old Turkish area of Al - Hodeidah.
These buildings have lavishly decorated plasterwork interiors and superbly carved balconies. Upstairs, decorative stucco work and niches in walls pressed with colored glass and mirrors scintillate with painted peacock designs – a recurring theme throughout the Tihama and indication of the Indian influences seen in the region as a consequence of sea-tread.

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